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 Write commented code  Plan before you code  Use a good Text editor. With highlight features. Some suggested Text editors for C programming are; CodeBlocks NetBeans Eclipse Use version controlling like GitHub  What's the text editor of your choice? Share in comments. 
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Latest trends in programming

Here are some latest trends in programming.  Light-weight syntax means using shorter keywords and more symbols Light-weight functions (aka lambdas/closures/blocks) are almost ubiquitous in new languages, sometimes with highly abbreviated syntax (like Scala/Swift placeholder syntax) Light-weight objects (objects you construct without declaring a new class/type) Light-weight threads (green threads / cooperative multithreading)

Finding the arithmetic operators

Below is a very simple program to find the arithmetic operator. Please feel free to put a comment if need an explanation. #include #include void main()   {     float a1,a2;     char operator;     printf("\n Enter the values of a1 operator a2\n");     scanf("%f%c%f",&a1,&operator,&a2);     switch(operator)      { case '+': printf("%.2f",a1+a2); break; case '-':  printf("%.2f",a1-a2);  break; case '*':  printf("%.2f",a1*a2); break; case '/':  if(a2==0)  printf("error\n");  else  printf("%.2f",a1/a2);  break; default: printf("unknown operatotr\n"); break;      }    }

Calculating the average of two numbers using C++

Though this site aims at understanding C language, I am writing a program for you in C++, to have a general idea about C++ too. A program in C++,to calculate the average of two numbers, which are entered by the keyboard while the execution of the program. Try to understand the program; #include &lt iostream &gt using namespace std; int main() {     float num1,num2,average,sum;     cout << "Enter the first number:";     cin >> num1;     cout << "Enter the second number:";     cin >> num2;     sum=num1+num2;     average=sum/2;     cout << "The sum of the two numbers is:"<< sum<<"\n"<<"The average of the two numbers is:" << average; return(0); } Explaination: The new file header used here in this C++ program is the #include . By this , we are asking the preprocessor to add the contents of the ...

C Reference app on Android

Android is one of the most rapidly growing mobile platform today. Most of us are opting for android devices , cell phones /tablets and so am I . While surfing around the Android Market (The place to download android apps) I came across an helpful app; " C Reference ".                                This app provides the reference to the standard C library. It also contains description of all the functions and macros in C, in a searchable from. This app could be very handy in while writing C programs.And the best part about this app is that , this app can be downloaded free from the android market. Screenshots: You can see and download this app from C Reference App

A C program to print the average of the numbers(Using While Loop)

Below is a program to print the average of two numbers that are input through the keyboard.   /* Read the numbers from the keyboard as input and * print out their average as output. */    #include &lt stdio &gt int main( ) { double x = 0.0, sum = 0.0; int count = 0; printf( "\t--- Calculate Average of the numbers ---\n" ); printf( "\nEnter the number you want to calulate average for:\n" "(Type a letter to end your input)\n" ); while ( scanf( "%lf", &x ) == 1 ) { sum += x; ++count; } if ( count == 0 ) printf( "No input data given!\n" ); else printf( "The average of given numbers is %.2f\n", sum/count ); return 0; } The output of the program: