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Showing posts from April 20, 2008

Features of C

Features of C a) Middle Level Language : C is a middle level language as it combines elements of high-level language with the functionals of assembly language.C allows manipulation of bits, bytes and addresses - the basic elements with which the computer functions. Also, C code is very portable, that is software written on one type of computer can be adapted to work on another type. Although C has five basic built-in data types, it is not strongly typed language as compared to high level languages, C permits almost all data type conversions. It allows direct manipulation of bits, bytes, words, and pointers. b) Block Structured Language : C is referred as a structured language because it is similar in many ways to other structured languages like ALGOL, Pascal and the likes. C allows compartmentalisation of code and data. This is a distinguishing feature of any structured language. It refers to the ability of a language to section off and hide all information and instructions necessar...

Beginning with C programming.

To start with C programming,firstly you need a 'Compiler'. A Compiler is a program which converts the written program into the machine language. To type a program we need a Text Editor(e.g. Notepad). But almost every compiler comes along with an in-built text editor.AT beginner level you could use a Turbo C or Turbo C++ compiler. If you have Windows 7 64bit OS , take a look at this post , about Installing turbo C on Win 7 64 bit . You can use the search bar given on this page to find a suitable compiler for you. The compiler(TC.EXE) is usually situated in C:\TC\BIN directory of your computer. After starting the compiler select New from the File menu . Then type the desired program. The next step is to save your written program,press F2 key to save your program. Give a proper name to the program. Now,compile and execute the program by pressing Ctrl+F9 . To view the output of your program press Alt+F5 .

History of C.

What is C Programming? Before beginning to start actual programming part,let's first find out what exactly C programming is & take a look where it came from? The C programming language was developed in 1972 at AT & T's Bell Lab. in USA by Dennis Ritchie. C is a development of earlier developed languages BPCL and B. Enough with the introduction part,lets now move to the next post and start programming.