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Showing posts from August 28, 2011

Calculating the average of two numbers using C++

Though this site aims at understanding C language, I am writing a program for you in C++, to have a general idea about C++ too. A program in C++,to calculate the average of two numbers, which are entered by the keyboard while the execution of the program. Try to understand the program; #include &lt iostream &gt using namespace std; int main() {     float num1,num2,average,sum;     cout << "Enter the first number:";     cin >> num1;     cout << "Enter the second number:";     cin >> num2;     sum=num1+num2;     average=sum/2;     cout << "The sum of the two numbers is:"<< sum<<"\n"<<"The average of the two numbers is:" << average; return(0); } Explaination: The new file header used here in this C++ program is the #include . By this , we are asking the preprocessor to add the contents of the ...