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Inpu-Output functions(Unformatted)

The C environment assumes that the standard input device(keyboard) and the standard output device(Monitor) are always connected to the C environment.
Here's a list of some unformatted functions used in C along with their uses.

Input / Output

Unformatted functions

getch() Waits for
user to press any key, returns the key pressed that can be assigned to
getche() like getch()
but echoes character pressed to screen
one character from user, terminates only when user presses enter. Even
if user typed more than one character return first one character only.
putchar() can pass
character type parameter, a single character that you want to appear on
gets() By passing
character array as parameter can. accept string input including spaces.
puts() By passing
character array as parameter can display the content of string


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